Friday 18 July 2014

Hoe gebruik ik Telediscount?
Hoe meld ik me aan voor uw diensten?
Waarom ben ik niet in staat om bepaalde toegangsnummers bellen?
Zijn er elke administratie, abonnement of andere vergoedingen?
Hoeveel kost een oproep naar land X kosten?
Kan ik Telediscount van betaaltelefoons gebruiken?
Hoe worden mijn gesprekken gefactureerd?
Kan ik van mijn mobiel bellen?
Zijn er piek- en daluren tarieven?
Waarom heb je het toegangsnummer voor land X veranderen?
Ik heb een gratis bericht over een speciale actie
Kan ik gebruiken deze toegangsnummers buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk?
Ik ben een klant NTL of Telewest, kan ik het gebruiken van Telediscount?
Wanneer gesprekskosten kracht?
Waarom moet ik druk op de toets hekje (#)?
Telediscount heeft overladen me!
Wanneer ik ring iemand in het buitenland zullen zij worden belast voor het gesprek zogoed?
Ik werd verteld door mijn serviceprovider die u kosten tegen premium tarief dat echtduur is?
Hoeveel kan ik opslaan met behulp van Telediscount in plaats van BT, NTL of Telewest?
Ik kreeg mijn telefoonrekening en ik hebben het betalen van de volledige internationaaltarief voor mijn oproep. Waarom is dit?
Hoe weet ik wat mijn huidige creditsaldo van de top-up service is?
Is er een limiet aan waar ik kan Top Up mijn telefoonlijn?
Wat zijn "netwerk extras" in het bericht: "roept kosten {X} p per minuut plus netwerkextras"?

Hoe gebruik ik Telediscount?

Gewoon Bel het toegangsnummer dat overeenkomt met de bestemming die u bellenwilt, gevolgd door de volledige internationale nummer. Dat is alles. Ga naar de "Hoezijn mijn gesprekken gefactureerd" veelgestelde vraag voor query's over de factureringprocedure.

Hoe meld ik me aan voor uw diensten?

Als u wilt Telediscount gebruiken hoeft u niet te registreren. Het toegangsnummer dieu toelaat om de internationale bestemming telefoon kunt u gewoon bellen.

Waarom ben ik niet in staat om bepaalde toegangsnummers bellen?

Er kunnen drie redenen voor het krijgen van een onverkrijgbaar Toon:

1. andere operatoren zoals NTL, Telewest en mobiele providers zal hebben om open testellen onze toegangsnummers op hun netwerken. Sommige providers zijn uitersttraag bijwerken hun netwerken en dus het kan enige tijd duren voordat onzetoegangsnummers van alle netwerken beschikbaar zijn. Om te versnellen dit contactuw serviceprovider, vertel hen het toegangsnummer dat u wilt bellen en vragen als zehet telefoonnummer kunnen openstellen.

2. u zou kunnen worden uitgesloten van 09 nummers bellen. Neem contact op met uwserviceprovider om de bar opgeheven.

3. een aantal indirecte toegang-aanbieders, zoals Onetel toegestaan dringt erop aan dat enkele of alle van onze toegangsnummers niet. Als u normaal gesproken eenindirecte toegangscode voordat uw oproepen (bijvoorbeeld 1833 voor Alpha telecomof 1877 voor Onetel bellen) u gewoon het weglaten van deze code en gewoon bellenhet toegangsnummer Telediscount direct. Weglaten van de indirecte toegang geeftcode dat het Telediscount gesprek in rekening gebracht door uw provider lijn (meestalBT). Als u van een Onetel Phone.Pal gebruikmaakt kunt u loskoppelen van dePhone.Pal of bellen 1-2-1 om te mijden van uw Phone.Pal. U moet de Onetel 'Select'optie die wij adviseren zou om te contacteren Onetel zodat u met een code om teoverschrijven deze functie hebt gekozen.

Zijn er elke administratie, abonnement of andere vergoedingen?

De prijs aangegeven achter elke Telediscount toegangsnummer is all-inclusive. Degeadverteerde prijs is inclusief BTW en de kosten voor het internationale deel van hetgesprek. Houd er rekening mee dat netwerk extras gelden zal en dat oproepen vanmobiele telefoons mogelijk hoger.

Hoeveel kost een oproep naar land X kosten?

Zoek eerst uit welk nummer u moet kiezen voor uw favoriete land. Vervolgens vermeldkijken naar de prijs achter dat toegangsnummer, dit is de prijs per minuut voor uwoproep en omvat BTW en de kosten voor het internationale deel van het gesprek.

Gesprekken worden meestal aangerekend per seconde (BT, Telewest en NTL kosten perseconde, voor andere dienstverleners gelieve selectievakje met uw dienstverlener als zetweede of per minuut factureren), wat betekent dat een oproep voor 10 minuten en 30seconden om een 2 pence per minuut toegang nummer een totale kostprijs van 10.5minuten x 2 pence wordt = 21 pence.

Uw serviceprovider kosten ook meestal een minimum tarief of een starttarief voor elkgesprek; bijvoorbeeld toepast BT een minimale heffing van 5 pence. NTL rekent eenstarttarief van 5 pence en Telewest een starttarief 6 pence voor 08 getallen en 10pence voor 09 nummers. Neem contact op met uw serviceprovider voor anderenetwerken.

Houd er rekening mee dat netwerk extras gelden zal en dat oproepen van mobiele telefoons mogelijk hoger.

Kan ik Telediscount van betaaltelefoons gebruiken?

Onze toegangsnummers zijn toegankelijk vanaf elke telefoon UK, met inbegrip vantelefooncellen. Echter, worden zich ervan bewust dat oproepen van betaaltelefoons konworden toeslag en meer dan de prijs vermeld op deze website kosten kunnen.

Hoe worden mijn gesprekken gefactureerd?

De kosten voor oproepen naar onze toegangsnummers verschijnt gewoon op uwnormale telefoonrekening van uw telefoonprovider (meestal BT, Telewest of NTL).

Dus bijvoorbeeld, als u een 5 minuten bellen naar Zuid-Afrika van een BT telefoon viatoegangsnummer 08444 289 289 die ten laste is gebracht op 4p/min; Volgende keerdat u uw BT factuur u ziet een vraag naar onze 08444 289 289 krijgt nummer, eenduur van 5 minuten en een totale kosten van 5 min x 4 p = 20 p.

Houd er rekening mee dat de verder internationale gesprekken niet zal wordengespecificeerd op uw factuur. Als uw normale telefoonprovider u rekeningen voor degesprekken, niet Telediscount, is allen u zal zitten kundig voor zien wat uw telefoonleverancier biedt u met. Wij niet kan helaas leveren gespecificeerde oproepen.

Kan ik van mijn mobiel bellen?

Ja, u kunt. Maar let erop dat u toeslag kan worden door uw mobiele operator. Hoeveelu in rekening gebracht hangt af van uw gsm-operator en welke tariefplan hebt. Let opdat uw gsm-operator bepaalt dit tarief op hun facturering systeem. We hebben helaasgeen invloed op wat ze kunnen aanrekenen, noch doen we ontvangen een cent extravan verschuldigde toeslagen op rechten.
We raden u aan contact op met de provider van uw mobiele telefoon om dubbel tecontroleren hun tarieven van onze toegang nummers (voor mobiele operator klantdiensten Klik hier).

Zijn er piek- en daluren tarieven?

De meeste van onze toegangsnummers hebben een forfaitaire, de enige uitzonderingzijn 0845 en 0870 nummers, die tegen de volgende tarieven afhankelijk van uwserviceprovider in rekening zijn gebracht:

BT tarieven voor 0845 lokaal tarief getallen zijn als volgt:

1,00 p/min weekend.
1,00 p/min avond.
3.95 p/min overdag.

BT tarieven voor nationale servicenummers 0870 zijn als volgt:

1,50 p/min weekend.
3.95 p/min avond.
7.91 p/min overdag.
BT toepast een minimale heffing van 5p.

Telewest en NTL tarieven voor lokale servicenummers 0845:

1,00 p/min weekend.
1,49 p/min avond.
3.95 p/min overdag.

Telewest en NTL tarieven voor nationale servicenummers 0870:

2.00 p/min weekend.
3.95 p/min avond.
7.91 p/min overdag.
Telewest vraagt een 6p verbinding vergoeding voor 0845 & 0870 gesprekken en NTLrekent een vergoeding van 5p verbinding.

Weekend: Hele dag za & zo.

Avond: Vanaf 6 pm-8 am Mon tot Fri.
Overdag: Vanaf 8 am-6 pm Mon tot Fri.

Voor alle andere vaste en mobiele kosten Neem contact op met uw serviceprovider.

Waarom heb je het toegangsnummer voor land X veranderen?

Onze toegangsnummers hebben een vast tarief gehecht aan hen. Wij proberen altijd tebieden van de beste prijzen mogelijk en als de prijs verandert, het toegangsnummermoet ook veranderen. Telkens wanneer ons kopen team van Telediscount zijn in staatom te onderhandelen over een betere deal met leveranciers passeren we deze kortingaan onze klanten door bepaalde bestemmingen nog verder te verlagen!
Zodra de overeengekomen speciale deal komt tot een einde zullen we ook moetenveranderen het toegangsnummer terug naar de oorspronkelijke prijs.
Om ervoor te zorgen dat u belt altijd de goedkoopste toegangsnummer mogelijk,gewoon aanmelden voor onze gratis nieuwsbrief.

Ik heb een gratis bericht over een speciale actie

Dit is een gratis service van Telediscount.
Soms kan het gebeuren dat we sturen gratis berichten over speciale acties voor onzeklanten.
Maar we dit alleen doen wanneer wijzigingen aan de zijkant van een exploitant van een(mobiele) grote gevolgen heeft voor onze klanten.
Als u niet worden geïnformeerd in gevallen als dit wilt, neem dan gerust aan opt-outdoor een mail te sturen naar onze klantendienst via de website.

Kan ik gebruiken deze toegangsnummers buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk?

Onze toegangsnummers werkt helaas alleen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Dus als u in het buitenland wonen of als u op vakantie buiten het Verenigd Koninkrijk bent u nietmaken gebruik van onze diensten.

Ik ben een klant NTL of Telewest, kan ik het gebruiken van Telediscount?

Onze toegangsnummers kan worden gebruikt vanaf de meeste landlijnen met inbegripvan NTL of Telewest. Het factureringsproces voor onze toegangsnummers werktprecies hetzelfde als met BT; de kosten worden gewoon weergegeven op uw factuurNTL of Telewest.

NTL en Telewest moet berekenen de dezelfde tarieven als BT voor onzetoegangsnummers. Nochtans als u zou willen controleren hun tarieven bezoek de NTLof Telewest websites.

Moet u een probleem met uw NTL bent tegengekomen of Telewest bill Neem contact op met hen rechtstreeks als zij de tarieven op onze toegangsnummers op hun eigenfacturatiesystemen controleren.

Wanneer gesprekskosten kracht?

U worden aangerekend vanaf het moment dat u bent verbonden met onze service, niethet moment dat de oproep is beantwoord aan de andere kant. Als we willen dat onzeklanten om te profiteren van geen registratie, lage prijzen en toegang van allenetwerken, veranderen we helaas niet dit. Maar, moet uw oproep niet wordenbeantwoord, zal u worden geïnformeerd door onze operator en verbroken. Uw oproepmoet niet meer dan twee minuten duren.

Waarom moet ik druk op de toets hekje (#)?

Als u op de toets hekje (#) na het internationale nummer, versnellen u gewoonverbinding zoals de computer weet dat u klaar bent met kiezen. Maak je geen zorgenals u vergeet te druk op de toets hekje (#), een verbinding nog steeds zullen wordenvastgesteld.

Telediscount heeft overladen me!

Telediscount kan niet u aanrekenen. De tarieven op onze toegangsnummers wordeningesteld door Ofcom, de Britse toezichthouder voor telecommunicatie. Het isgemeenschappelijke praktijk voor alle vaste dienstverleners zich houden aan de kosteninstellen door Ofcom (zie sectie "kan ik bellen van mijn mobiel" voor mobielegebruikers). De tarieven die u eigenlijk in rekening op uw factuur gebracht zijn is echterafhankelijk van de prijzen die uw serviceprovider heeft geconfigureerd op hunfacturering systeem. We hebben helaas geen invloed op hun factureringssysteem, nochdoen we ontvangen een cent extra van verschuldigde toeslagen op rechten.
We raden u aan contact op met uw serviceprovider om te protesteren tegen uwfactuur (voor klantenservice telefoonnummers Klik hier). Uw serviceprovider moet nietregelen de kwestie op bevredigende wijze neem contact op met Ofcom op 0845 4563000.

Wanneer ik ring iemand in het buitenland zullen zij worden belast voor het gesprek zogoed?

Degene die ontvangt een oproep zal normaal gesproken nooit aangerekend worden.
Maar als je in het buitenland met uw mobiele telefoon (dat wil zeggen niet in het landhet mobiele nummer is afkomstig van) uw mobiele provider brengt u voor hetontvangen van oproepen, terwijl in het buitenland ook wel bekend als roaming kosten.Neem contact op met uw mobiele provider voor meer informatie.

Ik werd verteld door mijn serviceprovider die u kosten tegen premium tarief dat echtduur is?

Alleen 09 nummers worden geclassificeerd als premium tarief; prijzen voorbetaalnummers variëren echter enorm afhankelijk van welk nummer u beltonen zijn.Premium tarief is niet per se duur als lasten van zo weinig zoals 5p/min beginnen.

Hoeveel kan ik opslaan met behulp van Telediscount in plaats van BT, NTL of Telewest?

Klik hier om te controleren de officiële BT prijslijst om te zien hoeveel u kunt besparenin vergelijking met BT tarieven.
Klik hier voor de prijslijst NTL.
Voor Telewest bezoek kosten prijzen de Telewest website.

Ik kreeg mijn telefoonrekening en ik hebben het betalen van de volledige internationaaltarief voor mijn oproep. Waarom is dit?

Als u hebben gefactureerd aan verscheen van de provider van uw normale vaste tariefvoor de internationale bestemming u genoemd en niet op de Telediscount tarief voordeze bestemming en het internationale nummer u genoemd en niet Telediscount detoegangsnummer op uw factuur, dit betekent helaas dat het Telediscounttoegangsnummer is niet gekozen voordat de internationale oproep werd gemaakt.
Wanneer u een bestemming via Telediscount van een vaste lijn belt, uw vasteleverancier weet niet het internationale nummer dat u via Telediscount belt, uw vasteprovider kan alleen tonen u het toegangsnummer van de Telediscount dat u hebtopgeroepen. Als het internationale nummer op uw factuur vaste leveranciersverscheen, suggereert dit dat de oproep werd gemaakt via uw normale vaste provideren niet via Telediscount. Dus volgende keer dat u een internationaal bellen, vergeet nietom te bellen het toegangsnummer Telediscount voordat u het internationaletelefoonnummer kiezen.

Hoe weet ik wat mijn huidige creditsaldo van de top-up service is?

U kunt uw creditsaldo horen door te drukken op de * knop tijdens de 'Welkom' ofdirect na. Wanneer u gewoon uw krediet nagevuld het misschien neeeen korteterwijl vóór zijn beloond. Als zo gelieve te proberen opnieuw in een uur. Als dekredieten is niet beloond in een uurtje Neem contact met ons op via de website.

Is er een limiet aan waar ik kan Top Up mijn telefoonlijn?

U kunt Top Up uw telefoonlijn 6 keer per dag (max.) Maar u kan niet herladen als uwsaldo meer dan 10 pond is.

Wat zijn "netwerk extras" in het bericht: "roept kosten {X} p per minuut plus netwerkextras"?

U hoort dit bericht op alle betaalnummers. 'Network extras' betekent gewoon datsommige fabrikanten extra kosten voor premie tarief oproepen brengen.
Gelieve te adviseren uw netwerkaanbieder voor meer informatie.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Buyers Guide for Virgin Mobile SIM only cover

Virgin Mobile
When it's time for an upgrade or your mobile contract is about to run out , not everyone wants a new handset. For those customers with SIM only offers a real alternative where you can keep your existing phone but still change rates or networks.

Virgin Mobile thinks it has a number of deals that can make you feel like a real VIP even if your trusty handset is a bit past its prime. Short-term contracts , the flexibility to customize your inclusive minutes , text and data allowances and no added expense of paying for a new handset , SIM only deals are becoming increasingly popular.

Why choose Virgin Mobile SIM only ?

If you like to stick to your existing phone but are keen to switch your rate , one of the Virgin Mobile SIM only tariffs to go the way. With coverage set to 99 % of the UK population , in association with a deal that Virgin Mobile customers will automatically switch to the Orange / T -Mobile / EE network when there is not enough coverage of their main supplier , you have not connected a problem continue.

The short -term , 30-day contracts mean that you will not be stuck with a deal you do not like too long. This means you can use a Virgin Mobile SIM only rate as a stop -gap deal while you 're waiting to be released , a new cell phone or a temporary additional cell line.

What are my options ?

Virgin Mobile offers four different SIM only deals on pay monthly tariffs , all contracts at 30 days. Customers looking for an alternative Pay As You Go can choose from two options - one with unlimited text and one with unlimited calling.
You can read our in-depth review of the Virgin Mobile SIM only plans by clicking below :
Virgin Mobile SIM only
Get 150 included minutes , unlimited texts and 500MB of data for £ 7 per month.
Virgin Mobile Starter SIM only
250 UK the mobile and landline minutes , unlimited texts and 1GB of data for £ 10 per month.
Virgin Mobile SIM only essential
£ 12 per month, offers 1200 minutes , unlimited texts and 1GB of data per month.
VIP Virgin Mobile SIM only
Unlimited minutes , texts and data for £ 15 per month.

How much will it cost ?

Flexible 30 day rolling contracts are available from £ 7 to £ 15 per month, subject to a 99p delivery for web and telephone orders - unless you are an existing Virgin Mobile or Virgin Media customers who get free delivery. If you want a physical paper bill sent to you every month , you will need an extra £ 1.50 per month - but you may fee by signing up for an eBill instead.

Virgin Mobile runs a credit check before delivering new SIM cards , and you want to sign up for direct debit payments until the conclusion of a contract.

Even if you choose a plan with unlimited calling , you'll need to keep your conversations to 60 minutes so that they remain free - you will be amortized as you go about an hour mark.

Which rate is right for me ?

If you want the most generous data , text and inclusive minute deal, go straight to the VIP -only SIM rate. The £ 15 a month 30 day contract provides unlimited calls, texts and data , which means you can chat , message and download without fear of exceeding your benefit.

If you are more likely to text , call or go online , but still want the freedom to do all three , the essential SIM only plan for £ 12 can be for a month. The text - friendly fare you get unlimited text messages , 1200 inclusive minutes and 1GB of data.

The only real difference between the basic plan and the slightly cheaper Starter SIM -only tariff is that you get to save 2. 950 fewer minutes for your £ If you know that you are not likely to make a large number of calls , but finding the level of data and text messages appealing to click the Starter SIM card is a good option.

The cheapest deal, the plan SIM only cost £ 7 per month , contains only 150 minutes of talk time and 500MB of data - but an unlimited number of texts. If you trust that texting is the most important way you use your phone , this contract would be suitable for you. Below 10 pounds

What about data and speeds?

There are three levels of data allowance , whichever SIM only plan you choose. You can get a conservative 500MB allowance , with 1GB double or you can also opt for unlimited data with the VIP SIM only deal.
All plans have a fair use policy , and you will find that even the VIP SIM -only fare , which advertises unlimited data actually has a 3.5 GB monthly limit. You can read about how this effects is by reading our in-depth guides for each SIM - only offer. Affect you

The provider states that you should expect speeds up to 384Kbps on its 3G network - but points out that the actual speeds that can reach may be higher or lower depending on the device you are using and your location at the moment.

If you spend a lot of time in the capital , you can save your payment information and get free access to Wi - Fi on the escalators , walkways and ticket halls of the London Underground network , while making it easier to keep in touch. Moving

What about 'binding' ?

If you plan on using your phone for "bind" - where you can share your data connection with other devices Contracts Virgin Mobile is that you can not. By doing this, you could end up using data faster than if you just browse on your handset , as you probably download full versions of those sites you visit instead of mobile - friendly. This is especially likely if you have tethered. Your phone to a laptop
In theory , mobile operators can easily track if you are bind by checking how many takes 'steps' every packet on its journey from their servers via your handset and your destination device.
The terms and conditions state that you do not use your connection for peer-to - peer file sharing either , which is another very data-intensive online activities.

Our Recommends

The right package for you depends entirely on what you want from your mobile phone contract - but we would choose the Virgin Mobile VIP to get unlimited data , texts and minutes SIM only deal.
Six essential questions before you buy
There are six key questions to ask to find out if a Virgin Mobile SIM only deal is right for you.
Virgin Mobile offers adequate coverage where you live ?

If you keep your existing phone happy?

  • Do you need to unlock your current handset to use with Virgin Mobile?
  • Are you looking for a flexible 30 day contract?
  • If you are not affected by the lack of international data for iPhones ?
  • You can make a payment by direct debit set up to Virgin Mobile?
  • How do I go to Virgin Mobile ?

Virgin Mobile recommends that if you are about to move to its network plan and want to keep the old number , you need a PAC code ( which stands for Porting authorization code ) applications from your previous provider. If you request this when you let your network know that you're leaving , it should transfer your existing number to Virgin Mobile's much easier. You must act quickly , however, as PACs only 30 days after they are issued. You will also find that Virgin Mobile will not be able to move your number over the weekend or during the holidays and the switch could take up to 24 hours of power.

When you connect your phone before on a different network and plan on using it with a Virgin Mobile SIM card , you need to have it to unlock work. Several networks can charge you for the unlocking code , you will be prompted to enter when first put in a new SIM card.

TalkTalk Mobile Buying Guide SIM only

With one of the lowest priced 12 - month SIM only deals around the £ 3.50 deal is TalkTalk Mobile an attractive entry-level contract. The provider also offers rates up to £ 17.50 per month , with increasing included minutes , texts and data.

By opting for a SIM only deal, you can hold your existing handset but still switch to another provider or tariff. However, TalkTalk mobile deals are exclusive to existing TalkTalk customers , allowing you to one of its broadband and TV packages if it is not your service Telecom will sign at this time.

Why choose TalkTalk Mobile SIM only ?

TalkTalk mobile offer six different SIM only deals - three for customers who commit to a year long contract and three for those who prefer the flexibility of a rolling one month deal.

The provider labels are only SIM rates as small, medium or large depending on the amount of minutes , texts and data in the contract. Four of the deals offer unlimited texts to UK mobiles , while the two most expensive options include unlimited UK landline and mobile minutes , as well as 4GB of data.

TalkTalk Mobile Vodafone use to carry their calls, data and text traffic , which means customers can expect about 99 % coverage of UK households.

What are my options ?

Whether you go for a month or 12 month contract , the small, medium and large offer SIM - only offers the same number of inclusive minutes , texts and data - but for slightly different prices.

Small SIM only contracts include 100 minutes of talk time , 250 texts and 200MB of data. The Medium rate gives 500 minutes , 1GB of data and add unlimited texts , while large SIM only option offers unlimited texts and demand along with 4GB of mobile data.

Unfortunately, if you are the owner of an Apple iPhone 5 , 5c , 5s or any other smartphone for which a nano - SIM , TalkTalk Mobile, not SIM - only. Offer these cards as part of the line-up

How much will it cost ?

  • TalkTalk Mobile SIM only deals start at £ 3.50 per month for the little 12 month contract , rising to £ 17.50 per month for the great rate of 30 days.
  • If you are charged at 30p per minute , text messages with your allowance , exceeds all calls to landlines or mobile phones UK cost 12p per message. For every 1MB of data you download from your inclusive allowance , you will pay 5p.
  • Calls to 0800 , 0808 and 0500 numbers are charged at 20p per minute , while choosing numbers starting 0845 , 0870, 0844 or 0871 35p per minute cost.
  • It's free to call TalkTalk mobile customer service to collect your voicemail call your TalkTalk landline or any other TalkTalk Mobile SIM registered to your account.

Which rate is right for me ?

Ultimately , you decide which rate is ideal for you by checking how much money you have to spend each month along with the amount of data , texts and minutes you need.

What about 'binding' ?
If you use your TalkTalk Mobile SIM want to bind , where other mobile devices connect to the Internet using your phone as a Wi - Fi hotspot , you can do it , but the provider warns that all data used from your monthly allowance will be achieved.

Consequently , TalkTalk mobile official line is that they "do not recommend customers ' chain.

Our Recommends

If you want the most generous but flexible SIM only deal that has talktalk Mobile to offer , go straight for the big SIM only contract for a minimum period of one month. This will give you unlimited minutes and texts with 4GB of data to play with. Six essential questions before you buy

To decide whether a TalkTalk Mobile SIM only contract is ideal for you , the following six questions to ask help :

  • Do you know what type of SIM you ( micro , mini or nano - SIM ) is required ?
  • You can set Direct Debit payments to pay for your contract ?
  • Do you want to keep your existing phone ?
  • If it was on a different network , you can get it unlocked ?
  • TalkTalk offers the right combination of mobile minutes , texts and data ?
  • Are you getting enough network coverage ?

Orange SIM only buying guide

If your current cell phone contract expires, you do not necessarily have to upgrade to a new phone. SIM only tariffs give you the opportunity to switch networks or convert to a different rate , while sticking to your existing handset.

Orange SIM only rates start at £ 8 per month and offer maximum 3GB of mobile data , unlimited calls and texts. In the short term, to provide different levels of inclusive minutes , texts and data , low-cost monthly deals are SIM only contracts a useful option for consumers like to hold on to their phone.

Why choose Orange SIM only ?

The choice of 30 day and 12 month contracts means that customers of the flexible nature of short -term deals with potential savings on the price of a longer commitment to balancing. Orange SIM only deals are trying to offer something for every type of mobile phone users - the very light 100MB data allowance of the monthly pay rate of £ 8 by the from € 28 per month 3GB option.

As part of the broader combined EE and T-Mobile network , orange claim 3G coverage for 98 % of the UK population , and strive to have reached 99.6 % coverage by 2016 - so adequate coverage should not be a problem.

What are my options ?

Depending on your budget and what you want from a mobile phone contract , Orange have a range of options open to you. All but the cheapest one month and 12 month SIM only deals have unlimited texts. Inclusive minutes are offered in either 500 , 1000, 2000 or unlimited anytime minute bundles. Likewise data fees are set at 100MB , 250MB , 500MB , 1GB or 3GB.

How much will it cost ?

Flexible 30 day rolling contracts are available from £ 10 , while a longer commitment of 12 months brings the starting price to £ 8. Depending on the package you choose and the number of included minutes , texts and data you need, prices go up from € 28 per month. For this , you get unlimited anytime minutes , unlimited texts and 3GB of data.

All calls can be depreciated. Your benefit , or to UK landlines , orange or answering to a UK mobile 35 p ( with the exception of The Works plan , which has free voicemail ) Texts are charged at 12p , while access to the Internet when you have exceeded your data allowance or using your phone for tying cost £ 1 per day.
Which SIM only deal you choose , you will find that the delivery is free.

Which rate is right for me ?

If money is not a concern , then go straight to the £ 28 contract for work one month , which has unlimited anytime minutes , texts and 3GB of data to play with. If the all -you- can-eat approach seems excessive , that then the £ 21 12 month The Works, with unlimited minutes , texts and 1GB of data can be a good compromise.

The best way to decide which rate is ideal for you to consider how much you want to spend , which of the three main selling points for a contract are most important to you ( texts , minutes or data ) and select a package with the best combination for you.

What about 'binding' ?

Unlike some mobile operators , Orange their clients ' chain ' to their phone to another device. By doing this, you put your phone into a Wi - Fi hotspot , allowing other compatible devices can connect to the Internet. For each day you use your phone for binding , you will pay an extra £ 1 , so if it's something you plan on doing every day of the month , your bill with a maximum of £ 31 will rise. If this is the case , you can find better served by another provider that includes the binding of charge.

Our Recommends

Picking the perfect package can be tricky , but given the importance of included minutes , texts and data is up to you and what your budget should help you decide.

For the flexibility it brings , the unlimited minutes and texts recorded and 3GB of data to play with , we opt for the rolling 1 month The Works for £ 28.

Six essential questions before you buy

To decide whether an Orange SIM only contract is suitable for you , ask yourself the following questions :

  • If you keep your existing handset happy?
  • Are you ready to get it unlocked as it was earlier on another network ?
  • Have you balanced budget versus included minutes , data and texts ?
  • Have you checked what type of SIM you need to Orange ?
  • Does the combined Orange / T -Mobile / EE network provide adequate coverage where you are?
  • Will your credit history , you can make payment by direct debit ?

Buyers Guide for O2 SIM only goes

O2 mobile
For consumers who want to hold on to their existing mobile phone but jumping to another network or change rates a SIM only deal offers the perfect solution.

With the O2 Simplicity SIM -only range of 3G and 4G contracts you can select how much you want to pay , the amount of inclusive minutes , texts and data you receive each month and also to avoid the cost of paying for a new phone.

Why choose O2 Simplicity SIM -only ?

By providing both 3G and 4G SIM only plans , O2 have a wide range of scales for you to choose from. A unique feature of their SIM only deals is that they have unlimited texts to UK mobiles - a particularly attractive feature for potential customers that large numbers of SMS messages sending every month.

30-day rolling 3G contracts and the option to hint up for a 12 month deal 3G , you can choose between the flexibility of a short -term commitment or saving money in the year by playing. 's Long game
Although the 4G SIM only choices are more limited (there are only three to choose from compared to the 11 pay monthly tariffs available) the range of emission data , which offer between 1GB and 8GB per month , meaning there should be something for every kind of mobile broadband users.

Another incentive to attract customers to the 4G option is that the subscribers of a 4G offers streaming music service free for 12 months O2 Tracks , as well as access to the O2 Games multiplay service and weekly O2 priority sports videos.

O2 customers previously had access to about 4,000 BT Openzone Wi - Fi hotspot locations , but the network recently made the move to provide about 8,000 of its own free O2 hotspots instead.

What are my options ?

O2 offer a month and 12 month contracts 3G SIM only , with prices starting at £ 8 per month. For consumers looking for a faster connection 4G , O2 offer three , even 12 month SIM only deals start at £ 26 per month. Which rate you choose , you get unlimited free texts to UK mobile numbers , while all 4G offers include unlimited minutes.

Inclusive data ranges from a very restrictive 100MB per month to a much more generous benefits to their top 4G 8GB rate. iPhone owners unfortunately do not benefit from any O2 4G simplicity tariffs , however , if the network has not yet made them available for all Apple handsets. You should also check that you are in an area where you can get 4G with O2 , if the provider currently has just rolled out the service to Birmingham , Bradford , Coventry , Leeds , Leicester , London , Nottingham and Sheffield.

You can find our more in our detailed and impartial assessment of the O2 Simplicity SIM - only plan.

How much will it cost ?

Simplicity SIM -only range is £ 8 per month to £ 36 per month , so you should be able to find a rate that fits your budget. Regardless of what 3G or 4G option you go for , you do not have to pay for text messages , such as simplicity deals come with unlimited texts. If you sign up for all contracts that do not have unlimited calls feature - or if you exceed the number of inclusive minutes you get with other rates - you will find that are charged at 35p per minute UK landline and mobile phone calls.

It costs 35p per minute to retrieve your voicemail , while MMS picture messages charged 35 pence per message. O2 directory to questions are £ 1 per minute , with a minimum of one minute.

If you find that you have exceeded your data O2 will not cut you off , but an additional one pound per day for each day that you access the internet with your mobile phone to be charged.

Which rate is right for me ?

The 3G and 4G O2 simplicity plan with a variety of different data allowances , with choices of 100MB , 250MB , 750MB , 1GB , 2GB , 5GB and 8GB.

The provider says their 4G speeds up to five times faster than 3G , which average out at 2.64Mbps. O2 technical support confirms their current average 4G speed is 13.2Mbps.

What about 'binding' ?

O2 late binding " - connect another device to the Internet via your handset , but will all the data that you use when doing out of your allowance.

As with regular 3G or 4G mobile Internet use , if you exceed your data limit, you will pay a maximum of £ 1 per day for each day that you are going to be set at the beginning of your benefits back online with your device the next month.

Our Recommends

Finding the right package will depend on what you want from your mobile phone provider. If we had to choose , we choose the rate of £ 36 4 g , which is 8 GB of data , unlimited texts and minutes,. It provides an additional 6GB of data with respect to the £ 36 3 g counterpart, making it a much better option for heavy mobile Internet users.

Buyers Guide for 3 Mobile SIM only

3 Mobile
Looking for a new SIM card to buy pop in your smartphone or tablet and curious what 3 Mobile offer? Our impartial guide shows the various options to help you make the right choice .

Why choose 3 Mobile?

The network was built specifically for the internet and it was the first to launch 3G mobile broadband back in 2003 . You will notice that 3 Mobile SIM only plans really are geared to those who like to spend time online with great value rates generous and limited data .

In fact , 3 Mobile is one of the few providers to offer ' unlimited ' internet information on the extensive 3G network , as well as the new super- fast 4G network has recently launched its nationwide roll out . A big bonus is that 3 has announced plans to upgrade automatically from 3G to 4G customers at no extra cost as the service in your area - allowing you arrive have a 4G - ready device .

You may already know the benefits of SIM only deals like the ability to use any device , and they save on the cost of buying a new phone . At 3 Mobile, you can also choose between a month or 12 month terms on SIM -only mobile plans so you do not have to commit long term if you do not like - although a few pounds extra each month for the shorter , more flexible option will pay

What are my options ?

There is a wide choice of SIM only plans on 3 Mobile which, depending on which device you vary how you want to pay and how often you want to chat , text and surf the net.

The smartphone SIMs include different sized bundles of inclusive texts , calls and internet data, while the tablet plans contain information only .

The pay monthly plans must take a credit check and commit to pay a monthly direct debit , whereas the Pay As You Go plans are credit check free, but you 'll have active top up when your credit runs out or expires ( depending on is the sooner ) .

Your 3 mobile SIM only options include:

  • Smartphone pay monthly ( one month or 12 month contracts)
  • Smartphone Pay As You Go
  • Tablet pay monthly (one month contracts only)
  • Tablet PC Pay as You Go
  • Which package is right for me ?

There is a SIM -only plan every level of user in 3 Mobile , so it's just a case of defining what you need in terms of :

  • Your budget
  • Your typical use - light , medium or heavy ?
  • What device you have - tablet or smartphone?
  • How do you want to pay - monthly direct debit or PAYG top-up ?
Unlimited data plans are available on pay monthly and PAYG mobiles and for its great value for those who spend a lot of time online . But if you do not there is no point paying for unlimited use and you will find one of the 500MB or 1GB is more affordable and convenient .

Tablet PC customers can choose between 250MB , 1GB or a generous 10GB of data on internet pay monthly, while the PAYG work a little different plans . Can you 1GB for a month ; 3GB for three months or 12GB for 12 months.

Our Recommends

The One Plan is the jewel in the crown and 3 Mobile sure what we would recommend for users who want to get the most out of their smartphone . SIM - only plan provides unlimited data plus 2,000 minutes ( plus an additional 5,000 to three mobile numbers ) 5,000 texts and inclusive tethering , all for under £ 20 per month on a 12 month contract or transaction .

Six essential questions before you buy

If three mobile sounds like the perfect provider for you , consider these questions before you compare offers:
  • Your phone is 3G or 4G ready?
  • Do I need unlimited data would be sufficient or a capped plan?
  • How do I make calls and texts every month ?
  • I want to implement for 12 months , or pay a little extra for a month flexibility?
  • Will my smartphone to accept a 3 Mobile SIM unlocked for entry ?
  • Which SIM size do I need? (see below)
  • Do I need to bind a plan that ? (see below)

More Details About 3 Mobile

If you need more information to help you make up your mind needed here is more detail about what you can expect from 3 Mobile .

Friendly tie

The process of using your phone as a modem to connect other devices on the Internet is known as binding . In the terms and conditions , 3 Mobile states that ' unlimited' data applies to data usage on your phone and does not include tethering on any PAYG plan. Tethering has been included as standard on a SIM - only plan , and you can buy a 1GB binding add-on for the ultimate Internet -only SIM plan as well .

No fair usage policy

It is not uncommon for unlimited data subject buried at a fair usage policy in the fine print , but fortunately this is not the case with 3 Mobile. If the network built for the internet , you can really get as much data as you want without worrying about extra costs or hitting a limit . However, as above - not every plan includes unlimited data binding .

Select the appropriate size of the SIM

SIM cards come in three different sizes : standard, micro and nano so it's important to choose the right one for your phone or tablet . All three rates are available on all mobile SIM sizes , so you have the best of the best have any device.

Unlocking your phone

If you are considering the switch to 3 Mobile from another network , you'll want to check whether your phone is locked with your previous provider . If not , happy day - you can use your new SIM card from 3 Mobile directly in pop . Otherwise , your phone will be unlocked .

Some phones can be unlocked simply by entering a special code from your network provider , while others can be unlocked by an expert at the expense of up to 20 pounds of charge. While perfectly legal , is a word of warning that unlocking is done at your own risk and your phone can guarantee.

How do I go to 3 Mobile?

Before you with open arms to 3 Mobile, its important control which signal is like in your area. Unlimited data have no use if you can not be online to use it . Pop your postcode coverage checker to find out .

Next , make sure your phone is unlocked and compatible . Since 3 Mobile is built on the Internet , you must have a 3G or 4G ready handset - older phones that work only on 2G networks simply will not benefit from the network. To test whether your phone is 3G or 4G : text 'Mobile ' 78333 .

Now , you can just buy the SIM card you want and wait for it to arrive in the mail. If you want to keep your old phone number , leave your old network provider know that you're leaving ; request your PAC code and pass it on 3 . It promises to move your number in less than a day .

Tablet PC Buying Guide SIM Only

If you have a 3G or 4G ready tablet , will sign up for a SIM -only contracts designed specifically mean for you that you no longer have to rely on Wi - Fi to get online.

Offering different levels of inclusive data from a constantly growing number of service providers , with a variety of offers are SIM only contracts tablet useful for consumers who want an easy way to mobile internet on the go .

Why do I need a tablet SIM?

If you have a tablet that can accept a SIM card (they are always referred to as "mobile" tablets as both 3G and 4G options are available now ) , the addition of a SIM card, go online wherever you are . Without it , you have to rely on finding Wi - Fi hotspots to access the internet - which can be problematic depending on where in the country you are.

Early tablets were only Wi - Fi devices can not connect to any cellular networks . The introduction of 3G ( and eventually 4G ) technology to more recent tablets owners have expanded opportunities to get online.

Essentially operate as a mobile phone SIM rate, but focuses solely going to mean that if you get a 3G or 4G signal can , you will be able to get online on data rather than calls and texts , SIM only Tablet PC obtain.

What are my options ?

An increasing number of providers are offering SIM only deals that are specially designed for tablet users . Unlike their mobile counterparts , they do not contain minutes or texts . Instead, they rely on inclusive amounts of data in order to attract customers. Still be more and more suppliers to allow Wi - Fi , 3G or 4G calls and texts over data networks , a tablet SIM offer you the best of both worlds .

Tablets tend to mini - SIM ( 15 x 25 mm ) , micro - SIM ( 12 mm x 15 mm ) or nano - SIM cards (8.8 mm x 12.3 mm ) use . You need to check which SIM Tablet PC is used for the commission of a contract . For example , the iPad Mini uses a nano - SIM , the Sony Xperia Tablet S 3G accepts a mini - SIM , while the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 , iPad 2 and iPad 3 use all micro - SIMs .

How much will it cost ?

SIM only tablet that offers tend to be either offered on Pay As You Go or short month contracts , although it is possible to sign up with longer minimum terms if you prefer . This only makes SIM tablet contracts very flexible .

Prices can start from as little as £ 5 per month , with a general guideline , the more inclusive data you need, the more it will cost .

With 3G and 4G SIM only deals available , consumers can choose which is best for them , but it is important to check first both 3G and 4G coverage in your area . Also means a wide range of data allowance both casual and heavy mobile broadband users to select . Appropriate contract

How to choose the correct SIM card ?

This is a SIM only contracts are supplied without a tablet device - so they are only suitable if you already have a 3G or 4G -enabled tablet.

Unless you select a Pay As You Go rates , your SIM only contract will roll when the minimum term expires . If you hold a short contract for a longer period of time , it could end up costing you more than you originally selected a longer period .

To make sure you get the right SIM card for you , it is important to consider how much data you probably use every month and how much you want to spend your contract or Pay As You Go deal. Unlike SIM only deals for cell phones , you should consider how many minutes , texts and how much data is included in getting your deal , consumers are looking for the perfect SIM only deal tablet should really deal with three things : network coverage, data fees and expenses .

By examining how much data you need versus how much your monthly budget, you are more likely to find the right rate for you to .

Which only offers SIM Tablet Deals ?

This is a read - SIM tablet contracts are available from most major networks and providers . This is a SIM -only offers designed for tablet users can be purchased at : giffgaff , 3 mobile , Virgin Media , T -Mobile , EE , Vodafone , O2 and TalkTalk.

Can I ‘tether’ with my tablet SIM?

"Tethering" is a SIM using Tablet PC or a mobile phone as a Wi - Fi hotspot that other devices to the Internet via connecting service can. Several providers have to tie their own point of view . Some , such as Virgin Mobile , saying that you should not bind . Tablet PC to other devices Providers , such as EE and 3 Mobile , however, say that you can bind. Tablet PC

If you plan to regularly chain of the Tablet PC , you should check with your chosen provider , you can do this with them or on the plan you have chosen.

Do I have to unlock my tablet ?

Tablet PC SIM cards can easily be moved from one device to the other , so much more than their counterparts smartphone. Unlike mobile phones, tablet devices tend to provide ' open ' , meaning you can move networks and SIM cards exchange without worrying about the Tablet PC is locked to a particular provider .

Our Recommends

Finding the right tablet SIM only deal depends a lot on how much data you need, how much you want to pay and how comprehensive the coverage of the network of your chosen provider . We opt for the 10GB Mobile Internet Data SIM only deal from 3 Mobile, which allows a healthy amount of data for the same price as some other less information -packed deals.

Six essential questions before you buy

To decide whether a SIM only contract is suitable for you , ask yourself the following questions :

The Tablet PC is accepts a SIM card ?
Does your chosen network that the right sized SIM ?
Do you want the flexibility that brings a short - term contract ?
Will you have adequate network coverage where you are?
Does your chosen plan sufficient data in it?
Will you be able to set up a rolling payment by direct debit ?

Top Tips

  • Use a coverage checker to see which networks are available in your area .
  • Compare different rates before you buy
  • If you plan on using a lot of mobile Internet , check that your deal has enough data .
  • Do not spend more on unlimited minutes , texts or data if you really do not need to .
  • SIM only contracts should be as short as 30 days, but will roll if you do not cancel .
  • Knowing what type of SIM card, your phone does : it will be a mini - , micro - or nano - SIM .
  • Do not forget your SIM card with a PIN .
Shopping : all major mobile networks and service providers offer SIM only deals.

Jargon Buster

  • SIM permanently Subscriber Identity Module , a SIM card is a chip of memory dongles can be found in the selected tablet devices, mobile phones and Wi - Fi .
  • SIM card physical card that is inserted . SIM card These come in three sizes : mini , micro- and nano.
  • SIM -only mobile phone or tablet contract where your network provides you with a SIM card , but to use it with . No device
  • SIM - free mobile device ( usually a phone ) that is bought ' open ' and is compatible with any network .
  • PIN personal identification number is a four digit code that you can limit . Access to your SIM card
  • Monthly usage allowance - how much data , texts and minutes your contract covers every month .